. Introduction to Computers


Impacts of Multimedia

Graphics software facilitates the creation, manipulation and management of computer-based images. Graphic images are presented as bit-mapped graphics (file formats include BMP, GIF, TIFF or TIF, PCX, PNG and JPEG or JPG), vector graphics (cgm and EPS) and metafiles (WMF). In bit-mapped graphics, or raster graphics, the image is composed of patterns of dots (pixels). In vector graphics, the image is composed of patterns of lines, points, and other geometric shapes (vectors).

Paint software, which works with bit-mapped images, provides the user with an electronic canvas. Draw software lets you create a screen image, then isolate and representations of individual objects within the overall image.

Photo illustrated software lets you create original images as well as to dress up existing digitized images, such as photographs and electronic paintings. Drag-and-drop allows users to drag ready made shapes from application-specific stencils to the desired position on the drawing area.

Animation software lets you further enhance presentations with animations. Video editing software lets you sequence video clips,add background music add scene transitions, place text over video and employ many other special effects.

Multimedia applications draw content material from a number of sources, including sound files, image files and motion video files. Sound files are of two types: waveform (or wave file) and nonwaveform (or MIDI file).

The most popular video compression formats in use today are Video for Windows (avi), QuickTime (mov) and MPEG (mpg).

There is a variety of software packages available to help you create multimedia applications, including authoring.

Creative industries use multimedia for a variety of purposes ranging from fine arts, to entertainment, to commercial art, to journalism, to media and software services provided for any of the industries listed below.

Commercial uses

Much of the electronic old and new media used by commercial artists and graphic designers is multimedia.Exciting presentations are used to grab and keep attention in advertising. Business to business, and interoffice communications are often developed by creative services firms for advanced multimedia presentations beyond simple slide shows to sell ideas or liven-up training. Commercial multimedia developers may be hired to design for governmental services and nonprofit services applications as well.

Entertainment and fine arts

In addition, multimedia is heavily used in the entertainment industry, especially to develop special effects in movies and animations(VFX, 3D animation, etc.). Multimedia games are a popular pastime and are software programs available either as CD-ROMs or online. Some video games also use multimedia features.


In Education, multimedia is used to produce computer-based training courses (popularly called CBTs) and reference books like encyclopedia and almanacs. A CBT lets the user go through a series of presentations, text about a particular topic, and associated illustrations in various information formats. Edutainment is the combination of education with entertainment, especially multimedia entertainment.

Learning theory in the past decade has expanded dramatically because of the introduction of multimedia. Several lines of research have evolved (e.g. Cognitive load, Multimedia learning, and the list goes on). The possibilities for learning and instruction are nearly endless.


In Medicine, doctors can get trained by looking at a virtual surgery or they can simulate how the human body is affected by diseases spread by viruses and bacteria and then develop techniques to prevent it. Multimedia application like virtual surgeries also help doctors to get practical training.


In the Industrial sector, multimedia is used as a way to help present information to shareholders, superiors and co-workers. Multimedia is also helpful for providing employee training, advertising and selling products all over the world via virtually unlimited web-based technology.
